
JR-1510YS Printing Automatic Intelligent Vamp Marking Line Machine: It is an automatic equipment used in shoes industry vamp marking line processing.This machine includes the designs of three-stage split modular ,front light-shield, side box double open and oven and body become one,Different materials and sizes of parts can be used, and can be placed at will.Different from the standard vamp marking line machine, printing type is more efficient.stable and accurate and easy to operate for small materials.

核心产品从底部设备 - 面部设备 - 成型设备 - 包装设备 - 单机设备 - 鞋机配件 - 检测设备及二手设备。制鞋生产流水线、成型流水线、压底机、电脑针车、切割机、画线机、前帮机、后帮机、裁断机、全自动圆盘机、工业皮带、输送带、鞋类检测设备、包装机设备、制鞋机器配件等广泛产品线。咨询热线:18928221613。